Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to Back

I've passed my 100th days without nasi last Sunday.
Yippie! Congratulations Alia! lol
Whats next?
Nothing will be changed..I will still puasa nasi till whenever I can :)

4 events back to back this August makes me feel like a real kuli.
Everyone is a kuli, right?

The mixed emotions that I encountered makes me stronger and more fragile.
Sometimes, I feel like a superwoman..
At some point of times, I feel like a real loser.

Well.. that's life that I have choose by myself. :)
During this bulan puasa, I was not at home during most of the weekend.
Apparently, all the courses, talks happened on Sat & Sun.
Went to Penang on the 2nd week of puasa... our organisation's buka puasa event on 2nd week of puasa..then, I marked my territory at Renai -last weekend..
and leaving to my hometown---yet again this Thurs or Friday..(maybe) for the 27th of Raya celebration in my life.

Flying off to Kota Kinabalu immediately .. that is the trip that I cant wait to go.
Working on the 1st weekend of Raya is a bless for me. -_-

Raya prep?
Honestly, same like last year..I dont have the spirit of Raya anymore.
If I was given an opportunity..I am very much happy if I dont have to go back to celebrate hari Raya in my hometown..
I rather flying off to a great holiday destination during this raya...
Dont get me wrong..
This is just my opinion who doesnt really fancy raya much compared to before....:)
What Raya means to me now? - Nothing much.

Yet...I have changed few hundreds ringgit to small notes..
Duit raya giveaway....as usual.. -_-"
Baju Raya?- I leave it to Mummy.. and Wee wee had bought us a nice baju kurung ;-)
Kasut Raya?- We'll see..I still have few pairs of nice shoes from last year..
Handbag raya?- I dont think I'll buy any.. but still depends on the mood
Lagu raya- I am really sorry that this year... I dont really like to listen to any lagu raya ..

What is wrong with me??
*Nampak sangat taknak raya*

Cant wait for my KK Trip :D Yay!