Monday, December 31, 2012

Sayonara 2012

Sayonara 2012.
Looking forward for 2013.

Happy New Year, people!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Things I like during the year end

  1. Less work in the office. (So, I could be internet's best
  2. Peaceful surroundings (Many people decided to clear their annual leaves in the year end, so less people in the office! Yay!)
  3. Less traffic congested (This is the best thing ever happened for this week. Wake up at 7.45am, went out from home to work at 8.00 am and reach office at 8.21 am..Is that wonderful?? I feel BLESSed! lol)
  4. Less stress (This is the LOW PERIOD yawww! ^_^)
  5. The ability to clean up the mess (Regardless whether its work or personal related stuff.. I just love to clean up the mess and straighten the awkward situation when comes to year end. Maybe just to start the new year with the cleaner feeling..I guess? :P)
  6. Down memory lane (Its time to remember analyse all my action for the pass 365 days. Phew!)
  7. Set the target (Even I hate planning but I love to set some target for the next 365 years. Let see...what should I achieve in 2013 -_-")
  8. People are much calm and happy. (lol. That includes bosses, friends and family..they much more relax and enjoying the low period of the year..nothing to rush and all the small issues can be brought forward next year..yay!)
There are few things that I love about year end but I simply think that its unnecessary to blow it here.
Well, till today I cant find anyone who hates the year end as we hate every Monday so much ..every week!:P

3 days and counting to 2013! Yippie!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Dosa kering

Penghujung tahun, bila tak sibuk..inilah masa yang paling mudah aku digoda syaitan dengan segala bisikan-bisikan jahatnya.
Memang jahat setan ni. 
Di dorong nafsu dan pelbagai bisikan yang ditiupkan ditelinga, aku selalunya tewas.

Ini salah satu sebab kenapa aku memang tak suka jika graf kesibukan dalam konteks pekerjaan semakin menurun.
Its the festive season..i cant help it :'(
No one would work like crazy and people normally waiting for next year.
Next year which will be arrived on a week time. 7 days left!

Bila tak ada kerja, internet menjadi terapi kebosanan.
Media sosial ini kadang kala memanglah menunjukkan "kesialan"nya.
Aku tak pasti sama ada penangan sosial media ni lebih kepada pro atau kontra.
Bagi aku sekarang, ianya banyak beza daripada sebelumnya.

Aku tidak lagi membebel yang ya dan yang tidak melalui Twitter sejak sebulan lalu.
Aku dah tak mengutarakan ayat-ayat hikmah yang berputar belit di Facebook sejak berbulan-bulan lampau..
Bila aku TIDAK SIBUK dan bosan ... aku upload satu dua gambar profil terbaru dan disinilah aku taipkan bait-bait perasaan yang entah apa-apa sebagai kenangan masa akan datang.
Cuma Instagram menjadi satu medium dan aplikasi yang aku selalu lawati dan menaikturun gambar-gambar yang aku rasa "seksi" -_-"
Jadi, bila kita tak mengekspreskan diri kita...kita akan selalu membaca apa-apa posting yang muncul dalam news feed.

Ya ampun....
Aku rasa..Facebook menyebab utama aku mengumpul dosa-dosa kering setiap hari.
Twitter pun macam tu.
Kenapalah aku ada hati yang macam Kak Nam ni?? T___T
*Macammanalah orang dok kutuk aku zaman aku dok berhoohaa dalam twitter dan facebook dulu?*- Amik cermin, malu nak tengok! :P

Aku selalu mohon pada Allah supaya disucikan hati dari sibuk memperkatakan orang lain dengan diri sendiri..
Ya..aku mengumpat dengan diri sendiri setiap hari.
Itu persepsi !
Susah untuk tidak menjadi skeptikal dengan keadaan yang sebegini.
Serius ...itu adalah susah untuk aku.

Lama kelamaan ..aku tanamkan dalam diri- "Lantak pi lah depa! Janji depa happy"
*Sebab aku dulu pun lagi teruk mengexposekan diri sendiri dalam internet* Euwwww! Attention seeker!
Tapi aku dapat beberapa konklusi...
Media sosial ini memang medium untuk kita nak menunjuk-nunjuk!
Medium untuk mendapatkan pujian..
Medium untuk mendapatkan dosa kering dan dosa yang tak pasal-pasal kita dapat..

Walhal, Media sosial ini sepatutnya menjadi medium untuk merapatkan silahturrahhim...
Aku blur. Segan dengan diri sendiri.
Aku akan cuba membaca ditempat lain dari menjadi perempuan kepoh nak amik tau hal orang melalui sosial media. :P
Yang pasti...aku benci bila kerja tak berapa memerlukan kesibukan aku dan kalau rasa macam ni ada...betul agaknya orang kata yang aku dah kahwin dengan kerja. -_-"

Merry Christmas for those who celebrating it! :D

The Meet Up

The last time we've met was in February, I guess..if I'm not mistaken. Iol.

It was really hard to gathered everyone to be at the same place and same time. But finally, we've made it (even as usual- some of us being late)

Too many things to talk and laugh about.
The few hours meet up doesn't simplified every each stories and gossips brought out by each of us.
Most topics are related to work, family and relationship.
And for the first time, I guess I was the least talker during the session.(But as always, became the one who is having a loudest laugh) :p
Maybe it was because I'm the eldest and have a not-so-interesting-lifestory to share. Or I just love to hear more than to talk these days. Haha.

Afterall, it was a very productive meet up as we've planned for our next Perhentian vacation next year. (Yayyyy!!)

Our next meet up need to be done in a month time since we don't think after so many months of keeping the hot stories and gossips..all that can be told within few hours? -_-''
It just can't be done..really.. is always great to have your ex- officemates as one bunch of people who still hold the friendship. I is beautiful..

Thank you for the time,people!
Esah- I'll pray for your wedding date to be brought forward. ;) Kiki- he's a keeper! LOL
Mini- you worth more than that. You'll find a better place to show your talent soon!
Coco- Your biceps are just too much :p looking good these days. Haha

See you guys in January 2013! ;)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, December 21, 2012

To work or not to work.The Perspective

As I've read some opinions from the world of internet, today
I realized one thing.
A lot of woman these days would want to be a housewife.

Ya.. I had the same thinking years ago.
Lady of Leisure. Sounds NICEEEEEEEEEEE, right?
But, after some incident happened and after tons of consideration, I don't think by becoming a "full-time-hommie" could make me happy.

We live in a different kinds of perspective.
What we think could be right mostly are wrong to certain groups of people and vice versa.
Being a full time housewives takes a lot of courage and patience.
Creativity is also one of the important elements in becoming a successful housewife.

I've tried once few years back.
Staying home was a real great pleasure for the first week and after a month passed, I felt like every moment passes are just too slow and I need some "air" to breath.
After all, maybe I was childless (and still) - cleaning the house, cooking, reading and washing are easily bored me.
It just doesn't bring me anywhere. My achievement of the day was cooking the best meal for the day for the partner and the cleanliness of the house are up to 99%.
My excitement of the day was just waiting for the loved one to came home after work..everyday.
The routine had killed me inside. Even at that particular time, money was never being an issue.
That is my humble opinion.

My mother is also have the same curve of point in my perspective of being a full time housewife.
Shes a wife. A mother of four and taking care of one grandson.
She said " If I can still do..I rather work than staying home.." (Shes been working for 17 years and decided to quit just because of her health issue).
Therefore, if any of her daughter decided to become a full time housewife..she always think that is one of the decision that they might regret later. this new era, I can see thousands of men around me are so proud to tell their surroundings on how great their women at work.
Proud husbands especially been tolerating much about their wives who are considered as a SUPERWOMEN.
Proudly tell around that their wives are working in a large MNCs, having a full time job in a great companies /corporatuions with the great pay and top positions.
These types of men are normally considerate, open minded well educated and have giving a higher respect to their lady.
Compared to some men whos having a full time wife at home..they normally doesnt like to talk about the achievement of their wives. Even, they know being a full time housewife is a REAL TOUGH JOB in the world. As if nothing can be told just because the wife doesnt bring any extra income in generating the family economy. (Bloody heck!)

Well, I am career oriented person. Being a lady doesn't mean I cant contribute enough to the society and in terms of economically. Also, being a "collie" doesnt sounds so bad as you'll get the real life experience and paid by end of the month. :)
Therefore, I don't think at this particular time..I want to be a housewife.
Sarcastically people would say a lot of things to against my opinion but somehow... I always believed that No one could ever dictate my life except me.

Some lady friends of mine are holding a great position in their career and yet they are coming from a rich family and they are also a wife and a mother... I can see that they are having a good life even sometimes they also been thinking that they havent got enough time to spend with their kids.
Again in my opinion..."enough time" means what?
When the kids are little..yes.. they need the mother like 24-7.
But when they reach certain age..they'll sure taking their own path in their life journey.
So, whats left for us as a woman?
Still staying at home, doing house chores, lonely and keep waiting for the children to come and visit (just because the kids has grown up and moved out) and WITHOUT ANY PERSONAL LIFE ACHIEVEMENTS?
Those are the things that I always think of when comes to this issue (Ya, Sometimes I had over-thinking)=P

Well, the decision is yours.
As for me, I am sticking to my motion (as for now).
Work for better life! :D

Early excitement.

Pangkor on late November/ early December was my last real vacation.
Put aside the KK and Penang trips recently.
Those can't be considered as vacation.
Working doesn't mean resting.
But, still I am thankful and proud for the travel opportunity from office every once a month. :)
The job that pays you to be out of town sometimes. Don't you think its great?
As a person like me..I think that is a rezeki!

Btw,I'm planning for another vacation as early as the 2013 starts.
When everybody is coming back from their year end holiday...or when everyone is busy with their work plans in 2013 or even some parents are busy sending their kids to 'first- day- of- school thingy'..
That will be the time for me to run away from the country.

Not too far from my hometown (and yet..that country is Mummy's kampung..afterall I was there last Raya..)but I believe it will be a great start for 2013.
I hate life planning but as an event personnel..I always believe in a good vacation plan. :) even if its so-called a 'backpacking' holiday.

I've done my research as I'll be the guidance for someone who's never been in Temasek in her life. :p
It'll be so much fun!

As my 5 days of leave approved by my great HOD today.. My mind is already in my vacation-planning-kit most of the time.

This is a great kick start for January 2013 as I already have Kuching and Bangkok written in my diary for that particular month also. :p

Work and company trip will be another excitement waiting for the 1st quarter.

Its 211212. Allah is blessing us..I believe! :)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Down Memory Lane

As I went tru all my boxes during the spring cleaning session this week, I realised there is a treasure that I've been keeping for more than 10 years in my life.

-My collection of real-life diaries.
I opened the box and read every each of the diary..
I think I had few goose bumps during the reading session. Wondering how immature I was during my younger days. LoL!

I've read all the sentences and the words written by myself since I was 12 years old and realised too many things I've done in my life.. Good, bad, happy and sad. -_-''

I used to be very emotional as a teenager and still an emotional lady now. :p
The experiences, the feelings and the mistakes I've done has brought me back to the memory..
I smiled and even cried while reading it..
I was also trying to figure some names and the issues that related to certain stories. Too many names..too many stories!

That's was my real life story.
I believe no one ever lie to their diary. Writing a diary is still the best therapy besides talking.. That is what I think.

Started in 97,98,99,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 and stopped at 2006..I gave up with the therapy..
And I blaming the social networking sited for this.. LOL.
Typing is much easier than holding a pen and write..isn't?

I think that I'll be starting to write again for myself..I will in 2013.
I would like to live in my own memory and read all my life story in few years time..I will try my best for this.

Diary is always be my best friend.
2013..I'll be engaged again with my diary..
There will be a real story who no one could ever know except me..
Insyallah.. :)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cantik itu subjektif?

Semenjak dua ni rasanya susah nak melihat cermin dengan perasaan yang kuat mengatakan diri sendiri "cantik"
Melangkaui umur selepas 25 tahun, kebanyakkan wanita akan mempunyai masalah yang sama.
Bukan soal nak kahwin atau kekasih atau pasangan.
Tapi sebab KEGEMUKAN.

Kadar metabolisma badan bagaikan turun merundum bila dah lepas umur 25tahun.
Especially untuk orang-orang macam aku yang sememangnya mengamalkan gaya hidup kurang sihat.
Lets put aside on my lifestyle. LOL.

Hari ni, aku dah lost count berapa hari tak makan nasi dan geng-geng seangkatannya.
Mungkin sudah lebih dari 200 hari.
Ya. Achievement yang sangat dibangga-banggakan untuk diri sendiri.
Bayangkan hidup tanpa makanan ruji?

Bayangkan bila balik kampung, mak masak lauk sedap-sedap tapi aku hanya makan lauk dengan roti?
Bayangkan masa hari raya hari tu aku langsung tak rasa ketupat atau lontong?
Bayangkan betapa rindunya nak makan nasi, kicap dengan ayam goreng?
Haih.. Kadang-kadang memang rasa rindu sangat. Rindu yang sampai boleh nak nangis. lol.

Katalah apa korang nak kata..
Nasi tak menggemukkan ke..aku bodoh sebab tak makan nasi ke..cakaplah apa pun..
Sikit pun aku tak heran.

Sebabnya, dalam dunia ni hanya kita yang faham kehendak dan keupayaan diri sendiri.
Bukan kau..bukan dia..bukan orang lain.
Penangan tak makan nasi membuatkan aku dengan senangnya control berat badan sendiri.

5-7kilogram dalam masa 200 hari itu juga boleh dipandang sebagai kejayaan.
Ok. sekarang, sila cakap aku "berlagak" dan "macam bagus"
Memanglah bagus sebab bukan senang untuk berat turun sampai 5 kilogram.
Hanya tanpa makan nasi, minum air banyak bergelen-gelen dan kerja yang banyak berjalan.

Kerana kegemukan adalah antara musuh utama aku.
Dan jugak isu terbaik untuk Mummy ketawakan aku ..Hanya sebab badan da gemuk, perut da buncit, muka dah lebar dan punggung dah membesar.

Mummy selalu kata..cantik memang subjektif.
Tapi kita yang menilai diri sendiri dimana kecantikan kita dihadapan cermin dan kita yang tahu mana kelebihan kita yang perlu dijadikan aset dalam hidup.

Sampai sekarang aku masih tak makan nasi walaupun terliur tengok gambar-gambar dalam internet dan gambar lauk mak yang sering Keen upload kan dalam internet.

Hidup ni tak semua benda kita dapat.
Kalau ada dua benda..1 mungkin kita terlepas.
Jadi..pilihan ditangan sendiri..cubalah, tengok dan rasa..
Kalau selesa...proceed.
Kalau tak suka..tak tahan...gemuklah aku jadinya.

Jadi, sampai hari ni masih bertahan.....hidup tanpa nasi dan dengan rasa hebatnya bila pakai baju mandi yang macam dalam cerita  orang putih dekat tv.
Serius puas hati. Tak apa lah..tak makan nasi pun tak mati. :P

Tapi....sedap kan nasi? T__T

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Its hard being women

It is hard being a woman.
Especially when you are a daughter, a wife, a mother and employee at the same time.
I was wondering how these people juggling their days for a year when too many parties required a lot of attention from them.
Still, I couldn't digest the fact that facing everyday lives with too many expectations from different people and situation.
Regardless what is their position in the office and how many kids they had.. I always amazed by the way they do it.

Myself always feel that "I need more time"
I am not married..and of course I am childless and for sure that I am a selfish-bitch. :P
I only have my family which consists of parents and siblings and also the no 1 priority which is my work.
Yet..I sometimes lost in the transition. I just...lost!

Every working mother-wife in this world are SUPERWOMAN
How did they control their emotions when having their PMS? or when the kids are sick..or the husband are playing this-nonsense-marriage games? or even when they having tough time at work?
I don't think I can manage all that at one time even I always believe that I am a multitask-er. Ya rite.. =.=

 "I dont know how she does it", 2011 is the movie acted by Sarah Jessica Parker which actually tell me the story of how this kind of woman deal with their everyday lives.
Salute! since I dont think I can be in their shoes (at this very moment)

And yet...another thing that always came into my mind...
Does the husband actually realised that the woman that hes married to is the Superwoman?
I do not know what these guys think.

Well..its December and I am getting better.
Living as usual despites all the circumstances and challenges.
Ehem.. singles are also facing some problems but definitely different than the superwomen's problem.
For us - singles, monthly period cramps are also one of the problems ok?
Laugh is you want to..but then respect some people's opinion.
Just because we are in different situation now, doesn't mean that we should be enemy :)

And another thing... I always have this in mind...
Why these Superwomen think that we the singles are some sort of threat to their lives and some of them also said that "Singles have not life?"

Btw, just so you know... Not being married doesnt mean these people doesn't have life and it is not definite by being married ..your life is perfect.
Respect people's choice of life. Let them be whatever they want it to be.
Regardless even if they decided to be single..married ...fuck buddies..friends with benefits..swingers..gays or just a woman who loves to be alone with her cats till she died.
Being a judgmental person doesn't bring you anywhere :)

Yes, I am bit emotional today just because its my first day of period and everything seems very bad. I mean the cramps . It is A problem and I am making big fuss of it..just because I can! ;-)

December 2012. Few more weeks to 2013.
Do you have a plan for next year?
Me? No. I just dont. :P

Have a great December, people!:D