Monday, July 30, 2012

Tiga Puluh.7.2012

Selepas 9 hari berpuasa..

Selepas 2 hari tak menjenguk mana-mana akaun media sosial..

Selepas 85 hari tak menjamah waimah sebutir nasi..

Selepas 10 kelas renang….

Tiada apa yang membezakan kecuali menjadi manusia yang berupaya timbul dipermukaan air, tidak lagi tenggelam dan juga kurang 4-5 kilogram berat badan

Masih lagi manusia yang sama.

Mempunyai rupa, dan pelbagai attitude yang tak pernah berubah..

Cuma tugu ego makin hari makin menyerlah.

Tka perlu kutuk dan jadikan bahan umpatan hidup seharian..

Hilang pahala puasa kelak rugi berlapar dan dahaga.


Semakin hari semakin muak dengan surroundings yang sama dan tak banyak beza semenjak dua.

Alhamdulillah..masih diberi peluang untuk bernafas dan bergelak ketawa seadanya.

Mood annoying selalu tak pasal-pasal datang mengjengah.

Entah kenapa, aku makin hari makin menjadi-jadi perangai buruk yang susah nak di “predict”kan bila hadirnya.

PMS mungkin?

Prepare to Meet Satan? :/


10.18 am

Tekak haus sangat.

Rasa-rasanya dia dah nak dekat. -_-“

Weekend ni ke Penang.

Kerja..bukan Leisure..

Keluar dari hiruk pikuk KL yang rasanya dah semak dalam otak.

Kembali tenang harapnya lepas mengahadap pantai :D

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dia datang lagi...

Bersyukur sebab berjaya jumpa dia lagi.
Panjang umur..ketentuan tuhan..sampai masa..
Perayaan itu akan ditemui lagi.

Apa makna Ramadan dan Syawal dalam kehidupan?
Top-up pahala..berlipat kali ganda ganjaran untuk yang mengerjakannya.

Sehari sebelum Ramadan.
Aku moody bagaikan hilang akal.
Tak pasti sama ada beban kerja yang menjadi penyebab kemerosotan mood ini
pelbagai kisah yang Ya yang Tidak datang menerjah hati dan minda yang semakin berserabut
Ataupun memang aku tak dikurniakan keberkatan sempena bulan yang mulia ini?

Malam, journey bermula.
Kembali ke jajahan takluk Sultan Ibrahim seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Ramadan pertama bersama keluarga

Tidak sekelumit rasa excited tiba.
Tidak rindu apa-apa dan siapa-siapa.
Mungkin benar, aku tak dapat rahmat keberkatan Ramadan..
Macam hantu..walaupun setan da dikurung..-_-"

Bersyukur atas segala kurniaannya.
Tak payah nak bagitau semua orang..
Tak payah nak taip "I'm blessed" atau "I'm truly blessed" sepanjang masa..
Meluat semua orang jadinya..
Macam kononnya.. kau sahaja yang di"blessed" kan Allah

Mari mengadap bulan yang paling mudah untuk kita dapat pahala..
Aku? Mungkin kurang lagi hari puasa..rasanya ..
Akibat dua outstation event yang akan berjalan sepanjang Ramadan kali ini..
Kira Musafir lah kan?


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 72 and 4 kilos

I lost 4 kilos already.
Not just because of puasa nasi only..
But i add with a supplement where I believe is no longer a taboo.

10 more kilos to go to reach the weight that I always wanted.
Happiness is all around me yesterday.
Within 17 days..I lost that weight..
My arms look smaller..the bloated perut doesnt seems so obvious anymore.
Happy bunny..that is what I am :)

Drinking a lot of water helps a lot in reducing what I called "the baby-fat"
I dont feel that "kembang" anymore.
I lost my appetite to eat at night..
Breakfast is important. I never skip breakfast anymore.
Munching- is a very bad eating habit..I guess.

Perfect body is always be in anyone dreams.
Nobody wanted to look fat and to be overweight. I am..
Being a typical woman who is always afraid of being fat.

Based on the BMI..
I am still in the "overweight" group.
Few more kilos to be lose in order for me to be back as "normal" in the BMI calculation.

Need to work had to reach the target.
Hope it will be much easier soon especially during this Ramadan.

Selamat berpuasa to all the Muslims!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Salah Bantal"

Hari ke 5 berperang dengan "salah bantal"
Bukan bantal yang hendak disalahkan disini..
Tetapi akibat keasyikan tidur malam yang terlampau enak membuatkan kedudukan leher tidak stabil dan menyebabkan kekejangan urat leher dan "salah bantal" pun berlaku.

Ya. Sudah 5 hari membawa kepala bagaikan seorang Robocop.
Tak cool langsung.
Hilang style.
Bila nak pandang ke kiri, leher tak mampu nak dipusingkan.
Dengan badan-badan terus turut berpusing ke kiri.
Pasrah dan redha.
Kesakitan ini membuatkan aku diberi MC selama dua hari.

Bekerja selama 7 hari sepanjang minggu lalu membuatkan tahap stress naik pada kadar 8.9
Dengan shotting corporate video yang berlangsung 5 hari dan pada masa yang sama aku perlu koordinasikan segala keperluan conversion course untuk para Arbitrator yang sememangnya diva..membuatkan aku rasa..
Atas tak sampai bawah tak jejak.

Bukan senang menjadi seorang sahaja Kuliketive tunggal yang berjaya dalam sebuah department.
Tak berjaya sangat pun.
Tapi, dengan bantuan colleagues yang mana rajin tolong si budak Marcom yang tinggal seorang tertonggang tonggeng settlekan training materials ni..Alhamdulillah..kurang lah sikit beban dan sakit badan..

hampir demam (actually memang dah demam..selsema..migraine 7hari seminggu) dan MC dua hari pun macam tak MC bilamana laptop perlu dibawa balik bagi melangsaikan segala hutang piutang kerja.

This is really fun sebenarnya.
Aku je yang dah lama tak dicabar sebegini rupa.
Faktor umur dan kemalasan yang disebabkan kemanjaan dari segi masa bekerja dan dah banyak sangat rileks since takde event selama 3 bulan...inilah semua yang menyebabkan aku terus diserang pelbagai penyakit stress dan mengada-ngada.

Hari ke 5, leher masih macam Robocop.
Keen kata, leher Iron Man.
Yang pasti..aku hilang nikmat dunia untuk pusing ke kiri dengan mudahnya sementara waktu..
Ammeltz Yoko-yoko botol warna merah ni sebenarnya panas jugak bila da kena pada kulit.

Tolong ketawakan aku..dan pada masa yang sama...doakan aku supaya pulih seperti sediakala.
Seksaaa ooo..
Hari Rabu yang rileks sikit.
Sikit je.

Tak sabar nak balik JB hujung minggu lepas kelas berenang Jumaat ni.
Cuti Isnin dan approved.

Ramadan datang lagi..
Ucap syukur sebab mampu bertemu bulan yang senang nak dapatkan pahala ni.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Disappointed is just a temporarily feeling.
In life, you can't win it all.
But, you have to adjust yourself to fit into certain situation which could place you far away from a feeling called disappointed.

Everyday, I tried my very best from not disappoint anyone especially myself.
This feeling, even its temporarily..but I forsee that this could make your life upside-down if you get carried away with it.

You maybe try your very best in doing everything just the way you want it to be..
But somehow, even you plan it well, it doesn't mean it would be perfectly done.
Too many facts can be reason for you to feel disappointed.
That is why I always hate to plan anything.
I think that adhoc could always surprise me in a good way.
Btw, I only start planning when comes to my work..since it has to be planned and executed properly in order to make it successful. is like this..and is like that.
This temporarily feeling has to go away.
I wouldn't let it stay in my mind and disturb my everyday life. :)

Long week ahead..I'll be working for 7 days straight starting tomorrow.
Yay! I love this kind of commitment since I am scared of the real commitment in life. something that I am good at, now :)
Attacked by mild fever during the weekend, I am much better now..
Nothing much changed..still fat and look the same (as in the photo)

Have a great week everyone!
Don't let the 'dissapointed feeling' disturb you..
It is just temporarily..anyway!
Good luck! :)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July, be nice :)

4th day of July in 2012.
This is the 2nd day of me being "anak tunggal/anak tunggol" in the department.
Since two of my senior exec left their position in this office, I am the only kuliketive that belongs to Marcom.
Was I afraid?

I experienced one of the hell scenario back in 2009.
When I was working for LIMA.
Apparently, my immediate boss was MIA on my 2nd week of employment.
Lost in translation.- that was really bad.
"So-called" heading a corporate communications department with no assistant at all-at age 24 was not easy.
Trying hard to be Independent but still kelam kabut.
That was I am.

With my limitation of experience and I have no idea what was all about..
I managed to get help from the big bosses, the previous head of department which I get to know from colleagues, friends and other related person in the industry.. Well... it was harder than expected.
Thank God, I made it right.
and again...the similar scenario came into the picture..

I was much calm and relax.
I work following the usual system which I prefer and try to manage the workload very well.
I am not entirely alone, anyway..
My HOD, my manager is still around..

I am following the right track and go to the exact direction as told and try to give some option based on the logic and experience that I gained for the past 4 years of working...

Anyway, I survived the first day and today ..I hope it will be smooth as well.
Life is like this...
I was a job hopper..
Jumping from one to another job without hesitation for the sake of better life..
When I finally found my ground..
This is the time that people left me to reach their target and to fulfill their life expectations.

I always tell myself that Life is a roller-coaster.
You will not be on top..always and do prepare to be on the ground at anytime.:)

Interviewed one of the candidate to replace the sr.exec position yesterday..of course with the presence of the Manager, HOD, DD and Datuk Director.. and another interviewed to be made within an hour from now...
Lets see, who is the catch and need to analyse the character of the person that I will work with.

After-all, my line up of bosses I have now - is the best so far in my 4 years tenure of working in the industry.
Nothing is really perfect anyway..
Therefore, I thank Allah for making my life better each and everyday.

BTW, today marks my 54th day without nasik! Yay!

Have a good Wednesday, people!