Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wanted to but

Wanted to share thousands of things here.
Wanted to tell the whole world what is going on with my life since the last update.
Vain much?

I always wanted the luxury of time in updating this journal.
But, obviously I have saved too many draft entry without publishing it.
Since- most of them are not interesting enough..I decided to delete them.

Well, life been nice to me these days.
Even I cant get everything in this world..
I always love what I have since my life is always different than the others.

Worklife? Soo much fun since my travelling schedule is quite packed.
I had 4 back to back events for the whole of Aug..
I believe this is the main reason of my happiness in life.
Work is fun IF ONLY you love what you do..
The enthusiasm is actually comes from the heart.

Raya?- This is the lamest raya ever.
I decided not to celebrate raya THAT long anymore.
Went back to KL on the 4th raya makes me feel alive
I had to prepare for our KK event on the 6th of raya.
No choice (in fact..I do have choice, but decided not to choose) LOL.
Raya has not being so meaningful these days.
My Director was shocked to see me back in to the office while most of the Muslims are still on their holidays...
Told him.."I dont like Raya..just because I hate people ask me some real stupid questions"
He laughed loudly.

Everything went well.
Syukran Jazilan !(Just follow what my mom always said as a sign on thankful to God)

Whatelse? neck and shoulder are not being very nice with me.
Clinics are the most venue I visited without failed for the past 2 months.
Hope nothing serious though. :)
*Crossing fingers now*

I received some great friendship and welcoming my old great friend to my world again.
I believed that is the biggest present for this raya.

I am broke... Yelahh..Its raya month kannnnnnnnnnnn? -_-"

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf zahir aje..batin tak payah!