Saturday, April 27, 2013

Keep calm and bla bla bla

Its 1.47 am.
I am struggling to make my eyes shut since two hours ago.
Too many issues has entered my life for the past months.
And yet, I am still smiling and trying hard to be calm.
Yea rite..but being a natural hot tempered person as I am..I guess I have failed sometimes in keeping the coolness in me.

Well..we are humans.. (Using the cliché and perfect excuse order to defend myself..:p)

Too many incidents, story and nonsense has came up these days.
Pathetically, living in a singleton..I have to re strategies all short term life arrangement in order to make everyone happy and sometimes..I had to push my happiness and satisfaction a far behind.

What I realised happened to me these days..I tend to become meaner than I used to.
I'll shut anyone down if I think they do not deserve my sympathy and kindness.
I'll keep my surroundings and circle really small..
I didn't go out and socialise (which I guess I've stopped doing it for so many years)
Literally, I am in my own world where I restrict myself from encounter with another scenarios that it had to make me sacrifies for other people again.

Now, I rather keep anything to myself than telling certain people on my current issues and life.
I take all the action as another learning curve to be a better person.

...And at this particular time..I am trying hard to have a good sleep. :D

Its hard to keep yourself calm if you are being tested by too many parties in your life.
But, good things come to those who wait and have faith..passionately. :p

Have a good sleep people! Enjoy your weekend! :*

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.