Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bla bla bla bla..Hola Monday and Sayonara Sunday!

Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla blaaaaaa

This is the sign when you are tired, but at the same time - you would like to write something to express the unusual feelings which you are currently deal with.

To express something online is not that easy.
People just though with simple click here and there,with some typing on the screen and post it on your personal blog- Its simple like ABC.

Have you ever realized on some issues that you brought up into your personal blog (or some people would say it is an online journal), could disturb some peoples mind on certain perspective on certain things?

Apparently, I would like to talk on other things, but when I think about it,
I don't see the importance of posting those issues here.
It doesnt simpilfied the mix emotions and the whatever feelings inside me now.

Sunday evening.
Its 7.30 pm
I am devastated that the weekend just ended.
Yet I am still tired and its not fully recovered yet.

I am welcoming Monday again and setting my mind with the workload which needed my care in the entire week.

Hola Monday!
I hate you!:P

Sayonara Sunday!
You'll be missed! =(