Monday, December 12, 2011

My "pinggan" look

I was very busy for the past few weeks.
Work, pleasure, responsibility,families and personal issues is coming all the way at one time.

Yesterday, I have decided to do a transformation to myself.
I dont need any opinion and I think I could decide anything related to myself.

Here you go..
My "pinggan" look.

A lot of people keep on saying..
"Why laaa potong rambut???"
"Sayangnya rambut kauuuu"
"Muka kau nampak bulat"

I believed Mummy will give a very very very bad review on my haircut.

I do not want to think and give a shit on any comments.
I just want my hair to be short for a time being.
I know I'll be missing the Long Hair Lea..
But, it will grow eventually..
Its just "hair" for God sake.

Waking up this morning with a good smile on my face.
The short hair Lea is back in town.
*The last time my hair was this short-- April 2009.

I am sick of sweeping my hair around the house. Tangled hair..Dry condition..Too many amount of shampoo to be used in each session..I had enough with all these nonsense. The best part is- I am sick of being called "kakak" all the time -even by the younger people .Hope this transformation could give a cuter impact. Hahahaha..

Here I am.
The hair might be shorter.
But the person is still the same.

Oh...Hello again KL.
Its good to see you!