Wednesday, October 17, 2012


How do we manage to live up to this very day?
We planed, we choke, we tried, we stumbled, we laughed, we execute, we letting it be and too many other ways that could satisfy us.
In fact- some of the plan doesn't work out.
Again, I am afraid of planning.(As usual)

Compromising things in life is the biggest challenge in life.
Sacrificing and accept things as it is also the hardest portion in keeping ourself alive.

Here I am, on my bed.
I was here since 8.15pm.. On the mid-week!? And I couldn't even sleep..
Tried few times, but it didn't worked out. :p
Suprisingly, for the past 3 days.. What I did was..
Go to work from home - go back to home from office..
Every morning, the only place that I've stopped by before reaching the office was the small mamak shop..just to refill my nicotine box. LOL.

Compromise..compromise..for what?
I don't know what happen this week.
It started since last weekend..
Things are not falling as I was expected.
Every year, October was never treat me well. -_-
I don't know whyyyy. ;)

But that's life.
There is ups and there will be the down side of it.
Its like a ferris wheels where you might feel the excitement when you were on top and you feel bored when you at the bottom part.

Anyway..Its been a long time since I've updated my facebook status.
The interest wasn't there anymore..but I do keep track on what my circle of friends are up to..
And finally, I've updated my status with ':)'
Just that.
No particular reason.

Nothing excites me so far.
Waiting to be 27 on the 4th next month and the surgery on the 6th.. I can't wait to get over and done with it!
Hospital sucks, anyway..
Been a sick person is definitely not 'fun'.

I'm trying to get myself sleep here..
Tomorrow will be another day of routine.
I hate the word 'routine', by the way.. -____-''
But in life, you need to compromise with 1001 things..You just got to live with it ;)

Oh..Its the 17th... and I have few birthday to be celebrated this month! ;)

Good night peeps! Praying for a great day tomorrow!

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.