Sunday, March 17, 2013

4am in the morning

At this moment, when my mind can't be shut down and when I personally can't close my eyes...I realised 1 thing that evolved around my life for the past few weeks.

Its already half of March in 2013. Oh..How time passed so fast..
And the only thing that evolved around is work.
I take my job seriously. (Too seriously?maybe)
Yes, as serious as I can continue working at home via my notebook everynight.
As serious as my mood went off when my notebook crashed last 2 days. (Thank God, I know how to back up the files including my emails- clueless on how to do it until I used Nina to get me to Firefox)
As serious as I've been talking about work to myself and to my people most of the time
As serious as I started to plan my 'To do today' checklist before I sleep...

I guess its pretty serious now since I am sooooo into my job.
Big project coming up and other sub events made me feel like 8 hours in the office is no longer sufficed.

That is the only thing that evolved in my life as of now. Nothing else.
Until I felt that every working day is the longest day I ever had in the office and the faster I go... more things will come..and the more I want to do..
Its like the job is chasing me all effing time.

What's with that?
I don't take it negatively even I know ... 'Its just A job'

Lifeless? Me?
Nope. I don't think that way since Abah always said..
'kerja itu adalah kehidupan'

Get the definition right, people.
Think...think..and think before you conclude that statement.

Nonetheless, thank God that I have only myself to answer to.

Perhaps, I need another short gateway?
Happy weekend!

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.