Monday, January 16, 2017

Just another manic Monday

It was raining this morning.
I didnt have a good sleep for the past 3 days.
Well, to be honest ..i forgot what great sleep mean since I saw the 2 lines on the pregnancy test - which was more than a year ago.
Zafeer had a fever on Friday .Teething maybe? Not sure of what..we went to the clinic on Saturday as his temperature spiked that morning. was a viral fever. Glad but still worried. Thats a typical mak2 syndrome which i never fancy when it occurs.
Weekend was quite packed with family activities. Parents in law came visited us..small family gathering.. spending time with the kids..and the biggest responsibility which was taking care of my sick baby.
And when all is done..Monday has arrived. Safely.
But my week just started again.
Work days make its appearance again.
Zafeer is getting better. Work is never finish.
Family is the fundamental.
And I must find time for me and FH to huuhaa again. Yes. Its been a while since we had our night out.
Come back to reality. Monday flies so fast.
Yet, at this hour..i still need to switch on my laptop.
Manic Monday, I guess.
Just as it is.
May all of us have a pleasant week,eh?

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