Thursday, July 15, 2010


Aku manusia yang boleh dikatakan suka ikut mood.

Kalau nak sesuatu aku akan usahakan sampai aku dapat.
Regardless of all the obstacles that come in between.

Tapi kalau aku dah malas, aku rasa usaha aku tu tak sampai kepada objektifnya,
I'll immediately stop.
Regardless on whatever perception comes from any medium.

Oh. that is typical me.

Same goes to relationship, work, friendship and overall in life.
If I really wants something..I'll get it.
If I don't think its worth it..I'll stop.

Well, life is simple.
As I always mentioned.
We are the one who make it difficult.
In between, God will always test you in any ways possible.

Oh. I am tired with all the drama that happened recently.
Work wise of course.
Others.. nothing much as I have been spending most of my time in the office.

No time for anyone and anything precisely.
Sad huh?

Really sad