Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1. Office. 2013

No changes. Yet the same. 
With the additional file and papers on my table to start the first day of work in 2013.
I am thankful that I still have a job which enable me to feed myself, to give my parents, to pay the bills and to live!

Monday blues...
After a week of leave from work...I think Im still in my holiday mood.
Yet, today is not really good day either for me.
Some heartbroken news from a friend makes me think that "If its yours..its yours..and if its not yours..It will never be yours"
Allah is Great.
He always give you what you need and if he doesn't give you what you want..He got better plans ahead.
Sounds cliche right?
But, that is the only way to mend a broken heart as for us Muslim.
You back to the ground and think about what you've done and why you are not getting what you want?

Be thankful of what you have.
Life is a roller-coaster as I've said before.
Be prepare for the worst, people! :D

Happy working to us.
Lets welcoming 2013 with great surprises!