Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New year


The best yet to come.
Pray hard everyone!

Whats for new year?
No plan at the moment.

I just need to take some rest for a while.
Boring? Yup..sometimes..

Missing someone?
Yup! Sometimes..

Enjoying my life?
Yes! Sometimes...

I am in the office and do nothing.
Funny eh!

So...whats your plan for the new year celebration?
I hate the club scenes, bad traffic, crazy drunk guy, small space and so many people at one time, too many sexy girls and sexy bloke at one time, uninvited guests to a party, girls who dressed blindly, LOUD music , rempits , bohjan bohsia and ladabohs..ok..whatever!

I just want to be at a peaceful place...=)
and I am single..