Tuesday, November 30, 2010


You are being challenged.

What will you do?
How far will you think?
How relevant your mind to settle it?

Challenge is not really a problem.
It could be a problem once you think it is.

Life is so full of challenges.
Not only in your mind,
it is also relates to your surroundings,your people,your family, your financial status, your heart, your maturity, your integrity, your body and soul and etc etc etc.

My mind has been molested by negative thoughts these few days.
I have to be positive (fcuk lah be positive konon!) in dealing with certain things in life (not "certain"..its basically..ALL)

Dealing with it its not easy.
Yalah Yalah Yalah..
Penat la!
I am running to a destination called "nowhere"
Just because I am tired with the challenges that coming into my way everytime I feel relief.
Want to join me?:)