Monday, November 29, 2010

The expectations.

I always wonder on the expectation towards me.
What people are expecting me to do, to say, to react and to believe?

In this scenario..
If you wondering what I am expecting from myself in zero.
Honestly, after all the tragedy, the sadness, the downside of myself has growth.
I do not expect anything huge for me to do for myself anymore.

2010 has taught me a lot in the matters of living with no expectations.
Low self esteem? That I always be.
I'll never expect something good to happen these days.

I used to be a person who always believe in whatever that I do.
Regardless how hard the obstacles that I will personally go through.
I always stand on my motion.
I am stubborn in a good way and the bad way.

Well, seems like nothing much to expect and people are still expect me to do more that I could even believe, so it will be a "no" answer for that.
I don't expect anything from myself and for myself.
So, guys..please do not expect anything good from me to you.
I have no proper plans in my hand at this very moment and I will never have plans in the future.- I guess.
2010 has almost reach the end but still- I do not expect anything anymore.

So, please expect the unexpected because if you don't you'll be end u
p like me- A person who has no expectations at all.
Its not good- actually.

Have a great Monday nite , people! =)

Expect the unexpected. Be prepare for something worst than the good ones to come!