Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Lea Anif will be stranded in JB till xx November 2010

I know.
It doesn't sounds good to myself and to some people who wants me to be back in KL as soonest (is there any? haha.. oh..my boss, perhaps :P).
However, my condition is not yet stable (hands are stiff and neck is painful every-time I walk and sleep) and I still have to deal with sleepless nights (Xanax or xanax!).

What to do?
Oh, I've gained few pounds and by taking it into a positive side- I consider myself as healthy.(ya rite!)
Its not that hard to lost few more kilos when I'm back to work.

Well, as I always mentioned- I always miss my hometown
But my work..my life (as if I have one!?), my friends (so many of them!) is always be in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.
Its not easy to rest yourself (physically,spiritually and mentally) in your parents house where your mind is working and thinking what will be happen next? and /or what is happening there? or/maybe how is everything?

My car(which I'm not sure whether I could drive it again or not) is still in the service centre of PERODUA.

My house (which I always said- I have an emotional bonding with it) is still there- of course! I have given a month( or worst case scenario- 2 months) notice/s to the owner before I let it go..Yes guys.. after all things happened...finally- I am moving out. (My heart is broken cause I love the house..still!)

My work(which has been taking care by beautiful and thoughtful and also intelligent colleagues for a while) will still be there. Oh, I missed my cubicle. I miss my counter top and my old pc. =((

My friends (who some of them are still considering me as their friends) also will always be there.

Next? (My favourite question)
I have no idea.

Need to strengthen my emotion and bring back my trust to myself..I guess!

4.06 am- 9 November 2010, I am still up and stranded in JB now! Heh..
Good morning, people!