Thursday, April 26, 2012

When reality hits.

I called him 'baby' and he hates it.
I never give a shit on that.
I still call him 'baby'.
He will always be my baby..

Look at these pictures makes me wonder..
How fast time flies..
He's already four.
He went to school.
He got his own friends..
He could speak and understand 3 languages..
He is independent.
He has his own favourite.
He knows what he wants..
He's a boy..

I always think that I am young..
That is why I always look at him like a baby..
But, these pictures are sort of a wake up call for me..
He is no longer a baby..
But my love for him will never change..

Be good baby monkey..
Don't worry, you'll be 10, or 20 soon..
But you'll always be my 'baby'

Yaya Loves you, Todt!
See you this weekend!

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.