Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 72 and 4 kilos

I lost 4 kilos already.
Not just because of puasa nasi only..
But i add with a supplement where I believe is no longer a taboo.

10 more kilos to go to reach the weight that I always wanted.
Happiness is all around me yesterday.
Within 17 days..I lost that weight..
My arms look smaller..the bloated perut doesnt seems so obvious anymore.
Happy bunny..that is what I am :)

Drinking a lot of water helps a lot in reducing what I called "the baby-fat"
I dont feel that "kembang" anymore.
I lost my appetite to eat at night..
Breakfast is important. I never skip breakfast anymore.
Munching- is a very bad eating habit..I guess.

Perfect body is always be in anyone dreams.
Nobody wanted to look fat and to be overweight. I am..
Being a typical woman who is always afraid of being fat.

Based on the BMI..
I am still in the "overweight" group.
Few more kilos to be lose in order for me to be back as "normal" in the BMI calculation.

Need to work had to reach the target.
Hope it will be much easier soon especially during this Ramadan.

Selamat berpuasa to all the Muslims!