Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things that we are so used to...

I haven't wash my clothes by myself for the past +- 5 years.
Kedai dobi- thats where I sent them to..

I rarely cook my food for dinner
Kedai makan/fancy restaurant or kedai mamak- Thats where I always go to fill up my stomach.

I rarely arrange my stuff, my clothes even my underwear into my wardrobe
I seldom sweep the floor..even use the mop..
and I can consider myself as a "spoiled lady"

But now,
I need to use my hands (which the nails are no longer be sent to man or pedi anymore due to the cost constrain) to wash wash the dirty dishes after arrange my stuff in my new room which not yet being filled by any furniture...and I have to do it all by myself.

Thats life heh?
I am doing the things that I am not used to do it...
Things that I never bother to care and things that I never take it seriously...(used to)
But, now...
I am starting the new journey...
Slowly and pathetically.

Wish I can go through it..
Now, its the time to cuci baju..heh!