Saturday, May 8, 2010


I called her emak and mummy..(depends on the occasion)
I was in her womb for plusminus 9 months
I ate what she fed me
I cry during nights
I smile when she make some jokes.
I talked to her..
I yelled to her..
I annoyed her with my attitude
I made her cried..maybe once..maybe twice..maybe 100 times in her life.
She understands me..(sometimes) and most of the times I always thought that she don't understand my way.
After all,
She is my comfort zone.

She is the one that no one could replace and I just want her to be happy.
I am least by not worrying her.

I love you Mummy.
Me, kak long...ngah..shikin..even Todt loves you.
Be strong and thanks a million for everything that you've done for us.
Sorry for all the wrongdoings.( Intentionally or unintentionally)
Happy Mother's Day, emak!