Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Unwind and overcome.

5 days of leave make me gone crazy.
I realised this when I easily get cranky and clingy all of the sudden.
It is a sign of me being a workaholic now?
I don't know..

I rectified the problems.
Emotionally unstable just because I got nothing to do..
Surrounded by family means my time occupied with lots of activities.
However, I fell sick while they are here..
Why all these happened during this long holiday?
I get bored, I supposed?

I realised that how big is my work reflects my life.
Means that..my job is actually conquer 90% of my entire life.
Is practically not healthy.
But somehow..I enjoyed working that much since I don't have any daily responsibility except for myself.
Living alone makes you think and understand that by the end of the day..
You'll be alone by yourself..no matter how many people are around you.

I'll overcome this minor problem with the best solution..
Sitting around doesn't bring you anywhere..
Things won't be changed by itself.
Plus, we are the one who can dictate our life..no one else. ;)

I believed..this is just a phase of life.

Happy Labour day, people!
Its already May, okay? *_*

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.