Monday, December 17, 2012

Down Memory Lane

As I went tru all my boxes during the spring cleaning session this week, I realised there is a treasure that I've been keeping for more than 10 years in my life.

-My collection of real-life diaries.
I opened the box and read every each of the diary..
I think I had few goose bumps during the reading session. Wondering how immature I was during my younger days. LoL!

I've read all the sentences and the words written by myself since I was 12 years old and realised too many things I've done in my life.. Good, bad, happy and sad. -_-''

I used to be very emotional as a teenager and still an emotional lady now. :p
The experiences, the feelings and the mistakes I've done has brought me back to the memory..
I smiled and even cried while reading it..
I was also trying to figure some names and the issues that related to certain stories. Too many names..too many stories!

That's was my real life story.
I believe no one ever lie to their diary. Writing a diary is still the best therapy besides talking.. That is what I think.

Started in 97,98,99,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 and stopped at 2006..I gave up with the therapy..
And I blaming the social networking sited for this.. LOL.
Typing is much easier than holding a pen and write..isn't?

I think that I'll be starting to write again for myself..I will in 2013.
I would like to live in my own memory and read all my life story in few years time..I will try my best for this.

Diary is always be my best friend.
2013..I'll be engaged again with my diary..
There will be a real story who no one could ever know except me..
Insyallah.. :)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.