Friday, December 21, 2012

Early excitement.

Pangkor on late November/ early December was my last real vacation.
Put aside the KK and Penang trips recently.
Those can't be considered as vacation.
Working doesn't mean resting.
But, still I am thankful and proud for the travel opportunity from office every once a month. :)
The job that pays you to be out of town sometimes. Don't you think its great?
As a person like me..I think that is a rezeki!

Btw,I'm planning for another vacation as early as the 2013 starts.
When everybody is coming back from their year end holiday...or when everyone is busy with their work plans in 2013 or even some parents are busy sending their kids to 'first- day- of- school thingy'..
That will be the time for me to run away from the country.

Not too far from my hometown (and yet..that country is Mummy's kampung..afterall I was there last Raya..)but I believe it will be a great start for 2013.
I hate life planning but as an event personnel..I always believe in a good vacation plan. :) even if its so-called a 'backpacking' holiday.

I've done my research as I'll be the guidance for someone who's never been in Temasek in her life. :p
It'll be so much fun!

As my 5 days of leave approved by my great HOD today.. My mind is already in my vacation-planning-kit most of the time.

This is a great kick start for January 2013 as I already have Kuching and Bangkok written in my diary for that particular month also. :p

Work and company trip will be another excitement waiting for the 1st quarter.

Its 211212. Allah is blessing us..I believe! :)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.