Friday, December 21, 2012

To work or not to work.The Perspective

As I've read some opinions from the world of internet, today
I realized one thing.
A lot of woman these days would want to be a housewife.

Ya.. I had the same thinking years ago.
Lady of Leisure. Sounds NICEEEEEEEEEEE, right?
But, after some incident happened and after tons of consideration, I don't think by becoming a "full-time-hommie" could make me happy.

We live in a different kinds of perspective.
What we think could be right mostly are wrong to certain groups of people and vice versa.
Being a full time housewives takes a lot of courage and patience.
Creativity is also one of the important elements in becoming a successful housewife.

I've tried once few years back.
Staying home was a real great pleasure for the first week and after a month passed, I felt like every moment passes are just too slow and I need some "air" to breath.
After all, maybe I was childless (and still) - cleaning the house, cooking, reading and washing are easily bored me.
It just doesn't bring me anywhere. My achievement of the day was cooking the best meal for the day for the partner and the cleanliness of the house are up to 99%.
My excitement of the day was just waiting for the loved one to came home after work..everyday.
The routine had killed me inside. Even at that particular time, money was never being an issue.
That is my humble opinion.

My mother is also have the same curve of point in my perspective of being a full time housewife.
Shes a wife. A mother of four and taking care of one grandson.
She said " If I can still do..I rather work than staying home.." (Shes been working for 17 years and decided to quit just because of her health issue).
Therefore, if any of her daughter decided to become a full time housewife..she always think that is one of the decision that they might regret later. this new era, I can see thousands of men around me are so proud to tell their surroundings on how great their women at work.
Proud husbands especially been tolerating much about their wives who are considered as a SUPERWOMEN.
Proudly tell around that their wives are working in a large MNCs, having a full time job in a great companies /corporatuions with the great pay and top positions.
These types of men are normally considerate, open minded well educated and have giving a higher respect to their lady.
Compared to some men whos having a full time wife at home..they normally doesnt like to talk about the achievement of their wives. Even, they know being a full time housewife is a REAL TOUGH JOB in the world. As if nothing can be told just because the wife doesnt bring any extra income in generating the family economy. (Bloody heck!)

Well, I am career oriented person. Being a lady doesn't mean I cant contribute enough to the society and in terms of economically. Also, being a "collie" doesnt sounds so bad as you'll get the real life experience and paid by end of the month. :)
Therefore, I don't think at this particular time..I want to be a housewife.
Sarcastically people would say a lot of things to against my opinion but somehow... I always believed that No one could ever dictate my life except me.

Some lady friends of mine are holding a great position in their career and yet they are coming from a rich family and they are also a wife and a mother... I can see that they are having a good life even sometimes they also been thinking that they havent got enough time to spend with their kids.
Again in my opinion..."enough time" means what?
When the kids are little..yes.. they need the mother like 24-7.
But when they reach certain age..they'll sure taking their own path in their life journey.
So, whats left for us as a woman?
Still staying at home, doing house chores, lonely and keep waiting for the children to come and visit (just because the kids has grown up and moved out) and WITHOUT ANY PERSONAL LIFE ACHIEVEMENTS?
Those are the things that I always think of when comes to this issue (Ya, Sometimes I had over-thinking)=P

Well, the decision is yours.
As for me, I am sticking to my motion (as for now).
Work for better life! :D