Monday, December 24, 2012

The Meet Up

The last time we've met was in February, I guess..if I'm not mistaken. Iol.

It was really hard to gathered everyone to be at the same place and same time. But finally, we've made it (even as usual- some of us being late)

Too many things to talk and laugh about.
The few hours meet up doesn't simplified every each stories and gossips brought out by each of us.
Most topics are related to work, family and relationship.
And for the first time, I guess I was the least talker during the session.(But as always, became the one who is having a loudest laugh) :p
Maybe it was because I'm the eldest and have a not-so-interesting-lifestory to share. Or I just love to hear more than to talk these days. Haha.

Afterall, it was a very productive meet up as we've planned for our next Perhentian vacation next year. (Yayyyy!!)

Our next meet up need to be done in a month time since we don't think after so many months of keeping the hot stories and gossips..all that can be told within few hours? -_-''
It just can't be done..really.. is always great to have your ex- officemates as one bunch of people who still hold the friendship. I is beautiful..

Thank you for the time,people!
Esah- I'll pray for your wedding date to be brought forward. ;) Kiki- he's a keeper! LOL
Mini- you worth more than that. You'll find a better place to show your talent soon!
Coco- Your biceps are just too much :p looking good these days. Haha

See you guys in January 2013! ;)

•Lea@Alia•Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.