Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Its hard being women

It is hard being a woman.
Especially when you are a daughter, a wife, a mother and employee at the same time.
I was wondering how these people juggling their days for a year when too many parties required a lot of attention from them.
Still, I couldn't digest the fact that facing everyday lives with too many expectations from different people and situation.
Regardless what is their position in the office and how many kids they had.. I always amazed by the way they do it.

Myself always feel that "I need more time"
I am not married..and of course I am childless and for sure that I am a selfish-bitch. :P
I only have my family which consists of parents and siblings and also the no 1 priority which is my work.
Yet..I sometimes lost in the transition. I just...lost!

Every working mother-wife in this world are SUPERWOMAN
How did they control their emotions when having their PMS? or when the kids are sick..or the husband are playing this-nonsense-marriage games? or even when they having tough time at work?
I don't think I can manage all that at one time even I always believe that I am a multitask-er. Ya rite.. =.=

 "I dont know how she does it", 2011 is the movie acted by Sarah Jessica Parker which actually tell me the story of how this kind of woman deal with their everyday lives.
Salute! since I dont think I can be in their shoes (at this very moment)

And yet...another thing that always came into my mind...
Does the husband actually realised that the woman that hes married to is the Superwoman?
I do not know what these guys think.

Well..its December and I am getting better.
Living as usual despites all the circumstances and challenges.
Ehem.. singles are also facing some problems but definitely different than the superwomen's problem.
For us - singles, monthly period cramps are also one of the problems ok?
Laugh is you want to..but then respect some people's opinion.
Just because we are in different situation now, doesn't mean that we should be enemy :)

And another thing... I always have this in mind...
Why these Superwomen think that we the singles are some sort of threat to their lives and some of them also said that "Singles have not life?"

Btw, just so you know... Not being married doesnt mean these people doesn't have life and it is not definite by being married ..your life is perfect.
Respect people's choice of life. Let them be whatever they want it to be.
Regardless even if they decided to be single..married ...fuck buddies..friends with benefits..swingers..gays or just a woman who loves to be alone with her cats till she died.
Being a judgmental person doesn't bring you anywhere :)

Yes, I am bit emotional today just because its my first day of period and everything seems very bad. I mean the cramps . It is A problem and I am making big fuss of it..just because I can! ;-)

December 2012. Few more weeks to 2013.
Do you have a plan for next year?
Me? No. I just dont. :P

Have a great December, people!:D