Monday, January 4, 2010

Feeling sick

Here I am..On my bed - Monday morning-1st working day in 2010 at 11.20 am
I feel sick suddenly- this morning..
I haven't feel this way for more than 3-4 months..

Rasa sejuk..I am folding myself with gebar.
Laptop atas peha, the tv is on...
Feel down and seram sejuk.

I am home where all the housemates are missing in action.
I don't feel good..seriously.

Mengada2? Nope.
Why should I do this when I have no one around me? Heh..
I am sick in and out.
But still can smoke..-consider ok lagi la tu..:P

But, I am telling myself to be strong..mandi and will be driving to the clinic..soon!
Da besar dah...tak yah mintak tolong orang selagi larat..Lagipun nak jadi independent, kenalah buat semua benda sendiri... hemm.....

=) Jangan biarkan diri anda demam dalam dan luaran...disebabkan kesepian yang dialami..Phew..makan dalam tu.....:P