Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stand still, baby!

I could say this ;

I am not that strong,

I couldnt even control my emotion especially my tears.
Heh kan?
Cengeng. Gembeng - Pernah dengar perkataan itu? Haha :P

I may look tough-strong-rough or even hebat.
But deep inside- I am just opposite all of the above.

I couldnt read that particularly email that has been sent to me early this week.

Tears- automatically dropped from my eyes.
Sensitive sangat.
Well, I did replied it.
But I realized that I have to stand on my motion.

Friends-just friends.
I have to control my emotion and my mind.
I couldnt turn back anymore...

And I remember what Mummy told me last two nights...
I do not know whether it was like sort of reminder or notice or something..
But what did she said makes me think that I really have to move on and stand still with my decision.

"If you turn back, you just have to forget me(ur mother) forever"

Its really bad huh?
And practically, I am missing the good moments but I know those are memories that I will be holing it for the rest of my life.

p/s: I feel like I'm one of the character in "drama sandiwara semasa" .
Heh kan? Life is so dramatique!