Monday, June 27, 2011

Moving on and on and on and on....

I am glad that my bosses are very considerate.
They approved my leave on the 1st. Yippie!!!
Thanks guys.
Really appreciate it.

I am yawning.
Fatigue- that's how I feel now.
By looking at the unopened boxes at the living room and all my stuff in the room itself, I get so bloody annoyed.

I am moving into a new crib again.
Lets count....
This is going to be my 10th house moving session.
10th times for the past 9 years in Kuala Lumpur.
Quite a number eh?

I am tired.
I hate to move my stuffs here and there.
This is when I have been thinking of buying my own house.
But due to some difficulties in financing and all the prices of apartments in KL are not relevant anymore- I decided not to.
Buying the house for my parents in JB will be the priority now.

Packing, unpacking, arrange the furniture..loading,unloading,paying the deposits and whatnot including bla bla bla bla....makes me really sick!
Not blaming anyone here, just trying to let it go some of the dissatisfaction inside.
I feel like a nomad.

But life is like this.
Ups and downs
Here and there

I am thankful to the Lord and some people who always be my side to help me out since I always stuck everywhere.
May God bless all of you at all time.
I really meant it.

The deposit has been paid -half.
Going to clear all of it by end of today with Aniz.
I seriously need to start packing since Friday is a moving day.

I need my sanity.
and I am really sick of moving out from one to another- again.

Welcoming me to the new crib at least to stay here for more than a year...please?!
Wish me luck, people!

*Housewarming? hah! =D