Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nobody like sick people

I am sick today.
Down with fever and body ache.

I can't get up in the morning and need a doctor with a good medicine desperately.

An angelic housemate, feed me with panadol soluble before she went to work. Thank you aniz.

Another angelic friend brought me to meet the doctor.
An injection on my butt plus a stack of medicine- costs RM90 are the items that hopefully could make me feel better.

I'm at home.
Alone and digesting the fact that nobody like sick people and all of us need to prepare to be alone when we are sick.

I can't afford to be sick for the next 2 weeks.
Big event at work and huge program for life is coming up.

Pray for me to get better, please.

Btw, remember this- we are ALONE in this world.
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