Friday, November 11, 2011

The Unplanned meet up

6.20 pm-
Buka pintu rumah- kosong.
Sunyi. Aniz belum balik
Letak beg, buka baju, pakai tuala
Capai kotak rokok
Nyalakan sebatang. Berkemban dekat hall.

6.30 pm-
Cuci baki2 cawan atas meja
Sembur clorox dan campak sabun dalam bilik air
Duduk dekat sofa
Nyalakan batang kedua.
Tweet yang ya yang tidak
Diam. Seorang

6.45 pm-
Esah call
"Jom jumpa! Pergi dinner!"
Berfikir selama 3 saat.
"Ok! ETA KL sentral?"
"Eh..kau nak amik aku kat KL Sentral ke?"
"A ah la. dekat dengan rumah aku"
"Yay! 8.15 pm"
Ketatkan ikatan tuala. Masuk bilik air.
Sentalan bermula.

8.30 pm-
KL Sentral, depan bus stop Arrival Hall ERL
Esah naik kereta tersengih-sengih
Call Coco
Setelah adegan melayan kedivaan dia..

9.00 pm - 11.oo pm-
Makan.-Hisap rokok-Minum-Mengumpat-Bitching-Ketawa
Kutuk-Plan-Merungut-Maki-Cakap- Meroyan
Cubit2-Peluk2-dan JK

11.15 pm-
Bubble Tea and this shot as a prove that we still talking to each other and the feelings didnt change at all.
Part of Spencerzizul's graduates.

We did not see each other everyday like we used to. But we have something that hold us together till today. Its called friendship. Glad you guys are the same person that I've met before. Love you Esah and Coco.