Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What job field are you in?


A friend of yours introduced you to his/her friend over a get together session/social events or etc..
You are not in the mood of making friends at the moment, but somehow you are stuck in the middle of the event and you left with no choice. The only thing that you could do without looking like a loner talking to that guy/girl..(even he/she is not that attractive to your eyes) LOL
So, how to break the ice?

Besides asking the name..where he/she staying..if she/he just arrived....bla bla bla..yada yada yada.. I always wanted to know what people do in their life..

Instead of asking this question
"Where do you work?"
or this
"What do you do?"
or worst..this
"Which company are you currently attached with?"

I always start my question with this
"What job field are you in?"

I believe its sound much appropriate than asking it directly on what they do to get money and sustain their life.

I've met a lot of people everyday. In fact, more people you've met makes you forget what they do.
In a communication line, you are not allowed to forget some important names and what they do in life. Especially for the VIPs where you need to pretend that you know exactly what they do and you are really interested in their work. Especially in my industry.

Work and people.
People and work.
A lot of people would give this as an answer when I asked them "what job field are you in?"
"Ala..kerja biasa-biasa je"

I am seriously hate that answer.

1) You don't appreciate yourself.

2) The people are the strength of the company. Why do you have to lower doen your credibility?
Even if you are just a receptionist- you should be proud of yourself. Without you who sits at the reception in a duration of 8 hours (5 days a week)- your CEO would know who is calling, when he'll get his package and important letter will not reach his table.
Can't you just see how big is your responsibility in your organization?
So, why are you saying "biasa-biasa aje?"

3) No one is "doing common work". Everyone in any organization has their own capability and their job description are making sense. No one come to the office every day and goyang kaki?! Unless you are the whore- but had to spread your legs to get some money! LOL!

As a matter of fact..a lot of people always underestimate themselves in "what they are doing in life"- I!
Be proud of what you are doing now. The job that you have is your rezeki...even you just a temp staff in a big GLC office.
Be proud and your work is your pride.

However, certain people that I've met some people or acquaintance who are so proud of what they are doing.
Good for you. But sometimes, too much exposure on what you are doing in everyday life actually -not THAT healthy.
Too much exposure..too many details..will lead to many unexpected difficulties.
Keep it simple and sweet.
We may never know other people's intention toward us.
I'm just being caution since I went through certain level of incidents due to the "too much exposure"

So, what job field are you in?
and I believe that JOB (which you might not fancied it much or you just loved it so much) is the one who gives you something to live..everyday.
After all, one thing really matters-..MONEY

* I'm rambling in between workloads. Just please be thankful of what you have.