Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What will happen next?

Its been two days since I left his place
Until now, he did not even mention anything about it.
We talk normally and we laugh easily 
Without any of the related issue occurred in our conversation

I wonder
What will happen next?

I am happy to live by myself in my small RM300 room
Happy and freely
Even, most of the time I'll be at home watching tv together with my housemate's two crazy cats

I am happy 
I am numb
and I still trying to tell myself that 
"This is your house..Your only place to live in KL..There are no more place for you to sleep except here"
Because I keep thinking that I do have another place which is obviously his place

Moving out is not easy.
I am trying to make myself happy as so-called "single and unmarried lady"
Sleeping alone is the hardest part.
I couldn't sleep well in my single bed.

See? I am so used to sleep and to him and I am so used to hear his snore every each night for the past +- 4 years. (It's like a lullaby to me.heh!)
The smell of the bed..I miss all that...

But, I made my choice.
Hope it'll be the best decision I ever made in my entire life-story.
Hope that Allah will show me the correct path..