Tuesday, August 18, 2009


and other Malay words that has been modified to cater new languange which I always called- Bahasa Sampah!

Its just so euw!
These kinds of word always appear in my mobile. E-mails and even Facebook comments.
I wonder why must those people modify those easy writing words to became the most complicated spelling?
Short form should stand as short form.

Itew? What the fcuk is that?
Tao? Is this a chinese word or what?
Leyhh?- It supposed to be a short form of "Boleh" But turn out to be so yuckie euww!

Write properly..and speak properly.
I dont entertain all this- Weyyhh! Leyyhh! Mana Tao or Itewww kinda people.
Its not cool. 
and It will never be Cool as you thought!
Trust me.
It'll make you sounds like an idiot who never get a chance to be in schools.
