Tuesday, April 5, 2011

7 days left

Bukan suka nak mengira hari.


Bercampur baur.
Macam rojak asma, rojak buah dan rojak mamak tepi jalan yang sedap bila dimakan di waktu tengahhari.

Mereka panggil aku job hopper.
Janji bukan grasshopper!

Life is about surviving.
Experiences is much important.
Money is the major issue!

I am not going to say this
"Can't wait for the new job!"
or this
"Waiting for the new environment..new people bla bla bla bla"

Thats a bullshit!
I need more money in order to sustain my life in the city.
Thats all.

Plus, need new courage to live as a normal person.
If u were in my shoes, I bet you'll do the same.

I'm going to miss all of them.
Really bad.
Cause they are not my friends..but they are my family.