Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The case of the Ex

I always be in contact with most of my ex-es.
Even it take sometimes to let go the pain and grudges, I always cherish the friendship and the memories that we shared when we were together.

That is why I do not understand why some people can't be friends with their ex-es after the "break-up" session.
For me, I have to take some off-time to readjust the feelings and the scenario pertaining to my life after the horrible mess in every relationship I had.

Its really hard but I had to deal with it. Its just a "feeling" that need to be vanished from life. =)

And towards the some points, most of my ex-es are becoming my close friends which I could talk about anything and everything without boundaries.
Still, some of my ex-es are can't be reachable due to the difficulties like "the wife", "their partner", time limitations, "family" or they purposely doesn't want to be in touch with me since I was always be the "bad guy" in the relationship =P

I am happy to see most of them are moving forward in their life. Mostly are married, building a family or attached to someone or some of them are still single.

Few mins ago, I had a tele-conversation with one of the ex-boyfriend who is still in touch with me. Happy for him to hear the news of his 1st new born baby.

Mohd Afiq Rayyan b. Juraizam Hairi (Not sure on the spelling for baby's name..hope it is correct) was born on 19th April 2011 at Selayang Hospital. I wish to visit the baby and the mother but..I don't think it would be a good idea and I doubt that the mother would like to receive me as her visitor. ;-)

Its pretty normal that I always being classified as "The other woman" due to the history and the way I bring myself..
Hmm.. People do not know what your heart says and the sincerity cant be shown and tell.:)

Regardless of anything...again..
Congrats again Ateh and Nini for the new born!
I'll send something for the baby..ok ?=)