Friday, July 31, 2009

When that person said - "Please,give me time to think"

I already encountered the same situation early this year.
And I was wondering, why do you need time to think if you said that you loved me?

I took it as a stupid excuse. Idiotic one!
Its just an excuse to escape.

Its just an excuse to tell me that;

"I think we should stop this lovyduvy relationship"

Its a sign.
The big one!
Can't you see it coming?

This sentence normally are women's fav. (and some men also did this..sebab takde telo.pengecut!)
Bacause they cant even to look into your eyes and tell you that;

The feelings is no longer there..
They found somebody who they think are much much more better than you
They are not happy to be with you anymore.

Face the fact with an open heart.
If she/he told you  
"Please give me time to think"

Let me tell you something..
Please pack your belongings and tell her/him straight on the face that;

"You don't have to give me that kind of stupid excuse coz I am not a piece of shit and I can find someone who can treat me better!"

Leave her/him before they left you with the worst wound in your heart.- Which it will make you more miserable.
Try not to think of her/him
Pray hard that you'll be better
Hope that you'll find much better person in the future.

Do you have the guts to do it?
Coz that is what I do most of the time when someone said;

"Please give me time to think"

Apparently , I believe that the reply to that sentence will be something like this;

"Fcuk you!. I dont even have time for all that!. Thank you. Tamatlah persembahanku"

*Aku memang manusia yang sangat kejam sebenarnya kerana aku suka macam ni-biar sakit hari ni 3 kali dari sakit 123 kali esok lusa..* 
