Thursday, March 25, 2010

Leaving the black hole

Lepas cakap dengan Na tadi, aku rasa macam dapat spirit baru.Leaving the black hole.

That is what I should do.Sorrow will be always there.

Kegembiraan takkan datang dengan sendirinya.Kita yang cipta kebahagiaan itu.Kalau duduk mengisolatedkan diri je..sampai bila pun tak dapat happy.Kawan-kawan ada kiri kanan.Kenapa perlu jadikan diri kera sumbang? !Perangai malas kuar umah harus dibuang

Tunggukan dan harapkan sesuatu yang belum tentu datang.

Macam bangang. Heh betul?! Sekarang, usaha-mintak-tawakal-tunggu!

Excitement- will be there if you have positive thoughts.Even the sunshine hasn’t shine yet..I can’t neglect myself from having the artificial lights ahead.

Duduk kat hall menghadap Facebook 24 jam..lama2 jadi gila ok?!I used to have a fun life.And I believe that I’ll bring it back .

Pathetic- as always.But fun will jive with it. Soon!

March is almost over. the worst month so far which I wouldn’t want to repeat and go through it again.

Life is fun if you think it is.I am moving on…setapak demi setapak.

I’ll do whatever I have to do..with limitations.


Oh..still missing Todt damn much- Seronok bila dapat cakap dengan dia dalam telephone tadi.

