Saturday, March 27, 2010


I am not sure what is next
When you reach certain stage, where you couldn't even predict and lost most of your senses..
Either you don not want to believe it or you just do not want to know or even you just do not bother will just leave it like that.

Do you understand the above statement?

Let it go..Let it follow the flow..
Its obviously not my style.
I am ego in my own way.
I always plan and execute it carefully to reach the target.

However, due to certain circumstances
Bagai jatuh ditimpa tangga.
I couldn't careless anymore.
Nothing is at a very good condition at the moment.
When I say -nothing.
I really mean it.

Transforming and positioning
Following the flow with some plans.
It might work.

April is coming! Yeay yeay.
March is not really friendly.
Too bad November is looooong way to go!
Heh kan?

Hope for a beautiful April for me.
God, some strength for me, your servant-please...