Monday, March 22, 2010

Rindu tahap kronik.

Persetankan manusia-manusia yang tak patut aku fikirkan dalam dunia ini.
Mari fokus pada si dia yang hanya satu di dalam hati.
Sila lihat gambar di atas.

Even sometimes you don't look cute like before..
Even sometimes, your attitude is getting into my nerves..
or most of the time- you just can't keep your mouth shut!

You are still adorable to me.
I fell in love the moment we met at Changi Airport- about a month after you were born.
You are one of the magical and miracle that happened into our lives..

You are the strength...
You are the reason to live..
You are always be the cutest of all.

I am missing you badly and still..even you are getting naughtier every each day..but yet, you are getting wiser!
I love you Mohd Fardan Idani..and I am sure , Mummy loves you too!
So very much!
Not forgetting; Abah, Mak, Keen and Ngah! =)

Please come to me as I can't wait to kiss your soft cheek and hug you tight!

Yaya really misses you.
Damn much.
